Situation In MYPRODUCT50 I detailed how between 2012-2015 the portfolio of anti-parasitic products for dogs / cats marketed…(READ MORE)

Situation In MYPRODUCT56 I detailed one of the most important and complex professional challenges throughout my career…(READ MORE)

Situation During 2003-2005 I worked as Brand Communication Manager at DHL directly reporting to Commercial Director, my main…(READ MORE)

Situation Some people like to go fishing. Others to cook, to ride a bicycle. To collect stamps. Or to do mountain hikes…(READ MORE)

Situation In MYPRODUCT5 si MYPRODUCT11 I have detailed some of my involvement in the commercial support provided in…(READ MORE)

Situation This article goes to special category ”Only who does not work, does not make mistakes ”. In this category I am including…(READ MORE)

Situation In MYPRODUCT50 I detailed how between 2012-2015 the portfolio of anti-parasitic products for dogs / cats marketed…(READ MORE)

Situation In general employees remain in a company if they are paid fairly, appreciated, involved, challenged, trained…(READ MORE)

Situation As I detailed in MYPRODUCT36 anti-parasitic products mark between April and June the strongest sales peak…(READ MORE)

Situation In MYPRODUCT20 I detailed how in 2007 I became Sales Marketing Director at Spicul, a company with tradition…(READ MORE)

Situation Until 2012 the range of anti-parasites for dogs and cats marketed by Veteco included 12 SKUs from Merial…(READ MORE)

Situation In MYPRODUCT5 and MYPRODUCT11 I detailed some of my involvement in the commercial support provided…(READ MORE)

Situation During 2003-2005 I worked as Brand Communication Manager at DHL, my main responsibility being…(READ MORE)

Situation In MYPRODUCT2 I detailed how at my first job in advertising industry I managed hundreds of costs and…(READ MORE)

Situation In MYPRODUCT20 I detailed how in 2007 I became Sales Marketing Director at Spicul, a company with…(READ MORE)

Situation Many of us have been given the opportunity to offer gifts as a sign of appreciation manifested by…(READ MORE)

Situation In MYPRODUCT43 I explored the reasons for which people are looking for a new job and I detailed that such decisions…(READ MORE)

Situation As a commercial team manager I can say that sales team supervision is one of the most complicated and important…(READ MORE)

Situation In MYPRODUCT9 I detailed how in 2005 as Brand Manager I was the creator of the first DHL marathon…(READ MORE)

Situation Between 2000-2003, I worked in top advertising agencies, being involved in large-scale communication…(READ MORE)

Situation Anti-parasitic products mark between April and June (spring – starting of summer) the strongest sales peak…(READ MORE)

Situation Discount policy, special offers and commercial conditions, price positioning, customer benefits related…(READ MORE)

Situation As a commercial manager at Veteco since 2010 I was responsible for defining the communication’s strategy …(READ MORE)

Situation In MYPRODUCT35 I outlined why the sales rep does not have an ordinary 9-17 job. I detailed that sales…(READ MORE)

Situation As I detailed in MYPRODUCT26 anti-parasitic products mark between April and June the strongest sales peak, who miss…(READ MORE)

Situation In MYPRODUCT7, I outlined the importance of implementing a performing sales team evaluation system…(READ MORE)

Situation In MYPRODUCT18 and MYPRODUCT26 I detailed how starting with 2010 I optimized Frontline Combo campaigns…(READ MORE)

Situation This article introduces the special category ” Only who does not work, does not make mistakes ”. In this category…(READ MORE)

Situation Commercial manager, marketing manager, brand manager work intensively with various marketing tools, 4P…(READ MORE)

Situation At the end of July 2014, a law was passed that prohibited the sale of veterinary medical products in pet shops…(READ MORE)

Situation In MYPRODUCT14 I detailed how through an unpaid internship I got in 2000 my first job in advertising at…(READ MORE)

Situation In MYPRODUCT2 I detailed how I became the financial node in Graffiti / BBDO advertising agency with the responsibility…(READ MORE)


Situation In MYPRODUCT7, I outlined the importance of implementing a performing sales team evaluation system…(READ MORE)

Situation In MYPRODUCT1 I detailed how I started my collaboration with Veteco as builder and commercial manager…(READ MORE)

Situation Anti-parasitic products mark between April and June the strongest sales peak, who miss this period have great…(READ MORE)

Situation From 2016 as Sales Marketing Manager at EASYPLAST, a company that imports, markets and distributes plasters…(READ MORE)

Situation During 2003-2005 I worked as Brand Communication Manager at DHL, my main responsibility was to define…(READ MORE)

Situation Sales team’s management is one of the key responsibilities of any Commercial Manager / Sales Manager…(READ MORE)

Situation In 2013 as Commercial Director In Veteco together with our partner Merial we took the strategic decision…(READ MORE)

Situation In MYPRODUCT18 I detailed how starting 2010 I optimized TV campaigns to promote the Frontline Combo brand…(READ MORE)

Situation In 2007 I became Sales Marketing Director at Spicul, a company with tradition in the bakery’s industry. I was the first employee of…(READ MORE)

Situation In 2007 I went through a recruitment process for Sales and Marketing Director at Spicul, a company with long tradition…(READ MORE)

Situation Frontline Combo is identified from the brand’s point of view with the external anti-parasite segment for dogs and cats as Adidas defines…(READ MORE)


Situation In MYPRODUCT14 I detailed how an unpaid internship helped me to enter the advertising industry as an Account Junior…(READ MORE)

Situation The annual AMVAC’s Congress represents a key reference moment in the veterinary industry, an event that most companies…(READ MORE)

Situation The market share of a company and its products is one of the most important business indicators. There are independent…(READ MORE)

Situation My advertising journey started in January 2000 through an unpaid internship at Graffiti / BBDO, as Junior Account in the Client…(READ MORE)

Situation The level of employees’ satisfaction represented for DHL’s management an important subject, constantly being present on the company’s…(READ MORE)

Situation A professional working in business development, commercial, marketing, communication is constantly exposed to…(READ MORE)

Situation In MYPRODUCT5 I have detailed some of my involvement in the commercial support provided in 2013-2015 to Rhone Vet…(READ MORE)

Situation One of the best definitions I know for a good manager is the following: a good manager has the ability to analyse and…(READ MORE)

Situation In 2005 as Brand Manager I was the creator of the first DHL marathon, a traditional corporate event having its 9th edition in 2018… (READ MORE)

Situation The year 2003 caught me in the advertising industry at Tempo Advertising as Key Account Manager, responsible for the…(READ MORE)

Situation As a commercial team manager I can say that sales team supervision is one of the most complicated and important responsibilities…(READ MORE)

Situation In the deep crisis period of 2008 -2010, I coordinated a commercial team in Veteco, in charge with sales, market and distribution…(READ MORE)

Situation For three years I have commercially supported the Rhone Vet team, a company responsible for the distribution and sales of…(READ MORE)

Situation Many of us have been given the opportunity to offer gifts as a sign of appreciation manifested by us and our company to…(READ MORE)

Situation. For several years I have been part of my life partner’s business, named Karuka, a photo studio specialized in photos for children… (READ MORE)

Situation. My first job in the advertising industry was at Graffiti / BBDO, at that time a real university for novices who were …. (READ MORE)

Situation. Veteco is a well-established veterinary company, importer and distributor in Romania of Merial range, portfolio that includes… (READ MORE)