During 2003-2005 I worked as Brand Communication Manager at DHL directly reporting to Commercial Director, my main responsibility being to define communication strategy, annual plans and budgets, develop partnerships and to implement all corresponding communication projects.
In this article, I refer to the way in which exceptional professional performance is recognized in a multinational company.
In MYPRODUCT53 I addressed the dimensions of the relationship between the company and its employees and the way a company develops programmatically and permanently tools, processes, programs, actions, initiatives to satisfy, motivate, and reward the employee’s performance.
Of all these tools, the company’s awarding of an exceptional prize, such as Employee of the Year, represents for the employee a moment of personal pride, recognition of his professional merits and, last but not least, exceptional motivation.
Companies that have implemented such systems encourage professional development, employee involvement benefiting directly from employee engagement and increased productivity as long as they know their work is being valued and rewarded.
In my first full year of activity in DHL as Brand Manager, I implemented major actions with significant impact inside and outside of the company. Here are some examples:
-shift the communication strategy by moving from 100% BtB to BtB + BtC (see MYPRODUCT24)
– total support for the sales team identified in concrete actions and budget allocations
-position DHL Romania at the network / region level as a pole of competence, expertise and exporter of ideas on marketing / communication area
-developing for the first time major projects in the company: rebranding, DHL Student – the first customer service dedicated to physical customers, outstanding loyalty client platform, DHL Marathon event that reached 9th edition in 2018, creative executions developed in RO were taken over by DHL for implementation in other countries, pilot study across the global DHL network that evaluates employees’ satisfaction
-excellent collaboration with other departments
-efficiency and maximization of the marketing budget
In the context of all above, in 2004 DHL Romania honoured me as Employee of the Year, a prize by which the company recognized and highlighted the exceptional performance achieved in that period.
5.Key Leanings
Those who believe that such a prize is “show-window” are definitely wrong.
Employee of the Year is an honour and recognition of exceptional professional merits.
It is a valid business card throughout your entire professional career, able to open your doors to new challenges.
Companies that have not implemented such a system of performance and value recognition go from the beginning with a lack of employee’s involvement and motivation.
Notification: MYPRODUCT reflects my real professional experience and expertise as well as my subjectivity. I do have a profound respect for all the companies I collaborated to and for all the people I worked with. It is not my intention to approach any sensitive, confidential or offending information related to companies, projects or people. If you the reader deduct or recognise companies, projects or people in my examples, I kindly ask you to respect MYPRODUCT and my professional and ethic approach and to not share any detail, information, situation, name, company.