In MYPRODUCT43 I explored the reasons for which people are looking for a new job and I detailed that such decisions are generally based on two dimensions:
-the positive dimension in which the reason for departure is related to the natural desire for professional development
-the negative dimension in which motivation for departure is determined by a harmful component within the organization.
As a manager I constantly encouraged the professional evolution of the people and I supported their desire to gain more, to have more responsibilities, to advance in the career.
But what were the criteria I used in recruiting people for the teams in which I acted as a manager?
Retrospectively, team completion processes were calibrated from two perspectives:
-the need to co-opt experienced professionals with measurable previous achievements, people able to adapt quickly to job responsibilities, to work autonomously and to deliver immediate results
-the interest to refresh the team with people with potential, ambitious, who show the desire to learn and who appreciate the professional chances offered to them.
From the perspective of co-opting experienced professionals, I would like to underline the following processes:
-as commercial director in Spicul I recruited a marketing director from our direct competitor Ulker, a professional with extensive experience in FMCG
-as commercial manager in Veteco, I recruited a sales rept with extensive experience in the industry (KRKA, Biovet)
-as commercial manager in Veteco, I accepted a senior sales rep to return in the team, even though he previously decided to leave the company when I was appointed on that position.
From the perspective of refreshing the team with people with potential, the list is significantly more extensive. Here are some examples.
As brand manager in DHL, even though I ran an external recruitment process that involved a recruitment agency, I finally hired as marketing executive a person who worked as sales support in DHL sales department.
As commercial director in Veteco:
-I hired as a sales rep a fresh graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine even if this person did not have any professional experience
-I hired as sales rep a veterinarian, a vet practitioner with no experience on the sales area
-I promoted as sales rep a colleague who previously worked in the company’s warehouse as a forklift
-I promoted as Technical Medical Manager a colleague who occupied the position of sales rep
-I promoted as sales rep a colleague working in the company on the administrative area
As Commercial Director Rhone Vet I was involved in:
-recruitment of a sales rep, a fresh graduate of the Veterinary Medicine Faculty, with no professional experience
-promotion a colleague working in the company’s warehouse in the telesales position.
5.Key Learnings
I believe that a functional and efficient team is built by combining the experience and expertise of the seniors with the potential and ambitious of the juniors, doubled with participative approach, individual responsibility, equity, constructive collaboration, continuous learning and last but not least a relaxing and friendly working atmosphere.
Notification: MYPRODUCT reflects my real professional experience and expertise as well as my subjectivity. I do have a profound respect for all the companies I collaborated to and for all the people I worked with. It is not my intention to approach any sensitive, confidential or offending information related to companies, projects or people. If you the reader deduct or recognise companies, projects or people in my examples, I kindly ask you to respect MYPRODUCT and my professional and ethic approach and to not share any detail, information, situation, name, company.