In MYPRODUCT18 and MYPRODUCT26 I detailed how starting with 2010 I optimized Frontline Combo campaigns.
In MYPRODUCT21 I debated the cancellation of the first Frontline Combo TV campaign scheduled to take place in the autumn of 2014 because in July 2014 a law was passed which prohibited the sale of veterinary medical products in pet shops, a market segment with significant contribution to Veteco’s total anti-parasitic sales.
As I already mentioned, constancy in communication was a permanent desideratum as Commercial Director in Veteco.
From this perspective, the initial marketing plan for 2015 was based only on the traditional Frontline Combo campaign scheduled in the first part of the year, while in the second half of the year we did not planed any significant communication action.
However, I know from experience that annual plan should be seen as fluid, not static, in the sense that it can be later adapted, revised or completed with new ideas or initiatives.
Such an important communication opportunity emerged in mid-2015 when we decided to develop an unique initiative in the industry with the scope to direct pet owners to veterinarians for advices, recommendations and the purchase of veterinary medicines, including anti-parasitic drugs.
In order to give credibility to our approach, we developed a special partnership with AMVAC (Association of Veterinarians for Companion Animals), the President of the Association Dr. Timen Andrei becoming the central image vector of this initiative.
The campaign was developed together with McCann and aired from October to November 2015 on radio, online and through presentation materials in veterinary practices.
Below you can find our campaign’s visuals.
The campaign period was strategically selected in the sense that it overlapped the AMVAC congress – the most important event in the industry being an excellent opportunity to differentiate ourselves from competitors through an innovative and useful initiative for veterinarians.
5.Key Leanings
The annual marketing plan includes actions and estimated budgets for their implementation.
It is a calendar of activities that traces the general or detailed trajectory expected to promote the company / products in that period.
However do not forget that you can always modify or adjust this calendar, including ideas and initiatives related to new objectives, market dynamics or competitors’ moves.
Notification: MYPRODUCT reflects my real professional experience and expertise as well as my subjectivity. I do have a profound respect for all the companies I collaborated to and for all the people I worked with. It is not my intention to approach any sensitive, confidential or offending information related to companies, projects or people. If you the reader deduct or recognise companies, projects or people in my examples, I kindly ask you to respect MYPRODUCT and my professional and ethic approach and to not share any detail, information, situation, name, company.